Data management
Using the Influx-DB GUI you can visualize your data, create dashboards to quickly visualize data, create buckets to organize your data, create authorization tokens and delete buckets.
The most important GUI functionalities to load and delete data are in the Load Data menu
To visualize data you can use two different modalities:
- Data Explorer: to create a custom query filtering data graphically.
- Dashboards: custom dashboards to visualize and save graphs, plots or tables, selecting specific measurements and timerange. The saved dashboards will be always ready for quick visualiziation without the necessity to rebuild the query. Have a look the page Visualize data with the InfluxDB UI for a complete overview.
Monitor data and send alerts
A very useful functionalities of Influx-DB is the possibility to monitor your time series data and send alerts by creating checks, notification rules, and notification endpoints. This means, as an example, that you can set to receive an email to inform you when your sensor register some critical values (battery level, soil-moisture value, temperature value, etc.) in order to intervent soon to solve the issue (battery replacement, start irrigation, start ventilation/cooling system, etc.).
Have a look to the Monitor data and send alerts page to see how to use this functionality.